Many of you will have learnt a lot about your body over the year and are aware of some of your physical strengths and weaknesses.

To help address these in preparation for a fitter, stronger and injury free season, we have recently launched our ‘Functional Movement Screening’ Programme (FMS).

The FMS is designed to assess the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses by performing a range of physical tests using a variety of equipment. The output of this will be a written report with individual recommendations, which the athlete can take away and work on over the off-season.

The most important aspect of sports physiotherapy is injury prevention. At MCP our physiotherapists will use this comprehensive movement screen, the FMS, to identify functional issues such as tight hips, weak hamstrings and many more common recurring injuries in the athletic population.

We will then formulate a management plan of corrective exercise and rehabilitation to address the specific findings. Individual athletes or squads can access this screening service, so any problems are less likely to impact on your training time or sporting performance.

  • Day Variety of appointments available throughout the week
  • Cost €100 (includes the hour long screening and report)
  • Duration of Screening 60 minutes (including feedback from assessment, and then a report will be emailed to you with recommendations and exercises to carry out)